It’s a new year today, woo hoo! Although I know the real new year begins in the Spring, we operate on the Gregorian calendar and therefore here we are. I went to Mexico City for the first time in September 2019 and took with me my new Fuji xt3 which was very unfamiliar. Through Jess I was able to connect with Ginnette who by far is the most versed Mexico City-an I know. She lives there in the beautiful neighborhood of Coyoacan which I’ve come to love very much. I tell my mom that if things ever get bad here, Mexico is where you’ll find me, and I mean that. What’s most beautiful aside from the food, architecture, and colors are the people. The immense dedication to community and art may be the deepest I’ve seen amongst all my travels. This also explains why Mexico City is noted for having over 140 museums. The way the elderly are integrated and not ignored, the way families gather in the local parks to talk, eat and watch their kids play. Just, pure, just life. It’s so community oriented that locals are allowed to attend weddings in the churches whether you know the couple or not. As an American who grew up in the 90’s I remember what that was like, I remember community, family, serenity, even in bouts of chaos. Now our culture has erupted into this weird conglomerate of social media, capitalism, and political righteousness. We’ve culturally, not collectively, missed the mark. Our privilege has backfired and we blame the systems and corporations we all can’t seem to give up. I hope one day we realize that we are the buyers and they are the sellers because if we stop buying then they cannot sell. We are a culture of pointed fingers. Mexico City even with deep flaws and unmentionables, still holds high on my list simply by their tenacity for holding community at the highest standard, something we once knew, but are choosing daily to forget.